Missouri Court Reporter Scopists
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Lenora Reid
Warsaw, Missouri
E-mail:  ScopingAdvantage@gmail.com  
Web site:  www.ScopingAdvantage.com
Full-time, experienced scopist using the latest version of Case CATalyst. 
Steno literate, strong research skills, reliable, committed to quality, good rates.
Specialties include expedites, dailies, medical, pharmaceutical, personal injury, workers’ comp, expert witness, all types of depos, some trial experience.

Member NCRA.
Posted 03/19/12

Marti Hayes - "Mature" Court Reporting student, new to Eclipse, looking for scoping & proofreading work. Teacher for 5 yrs and an Admin. Assist.for 12 yrs. I read notes, have an extensive reference library, broadband access, a dedicated fax line, and will go to any lengths to solve problems and make deadlines.  Please contact me, if you would like me to give you more free time or to work through a backlog. I have "Report Preference" and pricing sheets available and YOUR FIRST JOB IS HALF-PRICE!  Mdhayes51@kc.rr.com  816-246-0691

Julie Davis - Email: js7621@juno.com
Experienced DigitalCat and Case Catalyst scopist and proofreader. Reasonable rates and fast turnaround. Former court reporter with years of experience. High-speed Internet connection and ability to transfer large files. References available upon request. Contact me and let's discuss how I can make your life easier!

Rebecca Broshears: St. Louis, MO. I am a court reporting student and have been scoping on Eclipse for about four years. I have a degree in Education and am very meticulous with transcripts. I read notes and listen to audio. I offer competitive rates and quick turnaround. Please contact me for further information. 636-225-8809, mqpmrsb@sbcglobal.net

Beth Fugitt: Springfield, Missouri. (417) 224-2762
Website: www.scopingservicesllc.com 
E-mail: beth@scopingservicesllc.com 
Experienced scopist using CaseCatalyst. Fast turnaround times and very competitive pricing. Rush service available and audio also. I have my own secure FTP site for fast and secure uploading of large files. Call me today!

Cindy Leyland - Kansas City, Missouri
I am an experienced scopist using Case Catalyst, scoping approximately 50 pages per hour. I can help you increase your productivity.
Call me at (816) 294-5525 or email at clf412@yahoo.com 

JENNIFER SHOEMAKER Kansas City metro area. 
(816)380-4393, jjshoemaker@direcway.com 
Former Court Reporter now Eclipse and Case Catalyst scopist/proofreader. 
Quick turnaround and reasonable rates.  

Emily Ridyard, Gillespie, Illinois
IL. CC4 Scopist available. I prefer AudioSync. I use Streamload digital audio file exchange, XP, standard and microcassette transcribers, fax, scanner and DSL. Please see my website for greater detail. www.verbatimscopist.com  

Hope White: Festus, MO.
I am a Scopist looking to take on busy reporters.
I read and/or listen to audio. I am available 24/7 and offer competitive rates. I am at your service.
Please contact me for rates at 636-931-7891, 314-267-5096
Or hopewhite06@sbcglobal.net 

hjkoers@yahoo.com  or 417-316-0762
Scopist since 1988.  Eclipse or Stenocat.  Superior work ethic.  Founder of the San Diego Scopists Association.

Jenni Leibach, cleibach@ktis.net
I am an official reporter with a lot of "down time" on my hands looking to scope for other reporters who use ProCAT. I have the newest version (both 10.0 and 10.1). With very reasonable rates and a quick turnaround time, why not free up some time for yourself?